Your New Puppy

Congratulations on your new puppy! Here is some helpful advice and tips.
As a general rule, it takes puppies around 2 weeks to settle into a new home.
Potty training-Take your puppy outside as often as possible. Use a command like go potty, go to the grass, whatever you want to be your word to tell your puppy to go potty. Praise and treat your puppy when they go potty. Sometimes it is helpful to go to the same spot to teach them to potty outside. We recommend taking them out 30 mins after eating and as needed after drinking water. If urination becomes a problem then take them out more often. If they seem to need to go potty more often overnight then you can limit water after 8 or 9 pm to help.
Crate training- we recommend using a crate just big enough for them to turn around and stand and lay down. If they have too much space then they may soil the cage. If you purchase a large crate for your puppy to grow into then we recommend blocking off the large crate until they grow and as they grow you can add space or move the divider back. When leaving for work don’t make a big deal about leaving. Stay calm and keep good bye short. This will help with separation anxiety. Puppies and dogs won’t understand why it’s a big deal if you leave and make a big fuss about leaving. If your excited then they will think there is something to be worked up about and may continue to be vocal or stressed long after you leave. Dogs are pack animals and social creatures. When you leave, it may help to leave them with a Kong stuffed with thier food or favorite treats. Give them a few different options of toys to keep them entertained while you are gone but not too many toys because they may become overwhelmed if they have a ton of different choices. Two to three different toys should be good. You can use a variety of toys such as Nylabones, Kongs, stuffed toys, ropes, balls, etc. Use positive reinforcement when they go into the crate using treats and praise. Leave the crate open when you are home so they can go in their crate anytime they want to. Use to crate while you are gone, as well as, when you are home for short periods so they don’t associate the crate with you leaving every time they go in it. Our dogs will go in their crates even when we are home at times. Dogs are den animals and the crate acts as their den. The crate becomes a safe and comfortable place for dogs. Never use the crate as a punishment this can lead to dogs not liking the crate and throwing a fit when placed in the crate.
When first starting crate training there is a adjustment period when your puppy may whine, bark or howl. When first starting crate training many times pups will throw a temper tantrum and bark or whine to be let out. Do not let them out if they are barking or whining. If you do, it will teach them to bark and they will get their way and get let out. The first week of crate training is normally the hardest. Be patient and it will pay off.
Socialization- when meeting new people have them go slow and let your puppy go to them and they can give them treats and praise. You can also tell your puppy good girl/boy when they go up to people and don’t bark. Socialization is your key to success. Socialize them as much as possible, you may have to wait until they are fully vaccinated and dewormed before taking them many places. The car ride can be part of socialization, as well encourage them to get in the car on their own. You can try and lure them with a toy or treat to get them in the car. The more people they see and the more places they go, the more socialized they will be.
Barking- When they bark and you don’t want them to bark, say no bark and when they are quiet then say good girl/good boy with lots of praise and or treats. Make a big deal of it when they stop barking and then they will learn what no bark means.
General advice- Get an appointment set up with your family vet for a new puppy exam and schedule for vetting. Don’t allow them around unhealthy or unvaccinated dogs. Avoid heavy trafficked areas until they are fully vetted and your vet says they are healthy and protected from Parvo and many other dog or puppy disease.
Have fun and enjoy your puppy!